"YOGA MIND, BODY and SPIRIT: A Return to Wholeness -
for students of all levels and traditions" by Donna Farhi
for students of all levels and traditions" by Donna Farhi
In my practice I direct poses to the left first and then the right. Traditionally we twist or move to the right first. Shifting the motions to the left first honours our feminine goddess aspect. This is especially important since we practice so many sun salutations and often leave out moon salutations in common sequences. Experiment with awareness of your body's abilities. Exercise caution at all times and use the gentleness and compassion AHIMSA (non-violence) throughout your yogic experience!
Sage Pose 1
Breathe. Kneel in Vajrasana (sitting on heels). Shift the weight of the body to the left so that both left feet are to the side of the pelvis. Put a blanket or pillow prop under the left hip so that both sides of the pelvis are level. Breathe. Inhale, lengthening the spinal column through the crown. Exhale and twist to the left with the core and both arms/hands. Maintain breadth of chest by expanding shoulders. Breathe. Reach the left arm around the back and rest it there or lightly connect to the inside of the upper right arm.
Notice and Feel! Slowly release after the bind and repeat on the other side, adjusting the prop as needed.
Sage Pose 2
Breathe. Kneel in Vajrasana (sitting on heels) and extend the left leg. Cross the foot over the right thigh into a half lotus position. Breathe. Shift the weight of your body down slightly to just inside of the bent right leg. Put a blanket or pillow prop under the left hip so that both sides of the pelvis are level. Breathe. Inhale, lengthening the spinal column through the crown. Exhale and twist to the left with the core and both arms/hands. Maintain breadth of chest by expanding shoulders. Breathe. Reach the left arm around the back to take hold of the foot from the right side of the body. Breathe. Notice and Feel! Slowly release after the bind and repeat on the other side, adjusting the prop as needed.
Benefits, Cautions and Contraindications:
Releases hips and lower back. Opens the shoulders, chest and lungs. Stimulates the large and small intestines (digestion).
Only practice in first or second trimester of pregnancy if comfortable.