Monday, August 26, 2013

Gratitude Yoga

Gratitude Yoga

thank you yoga
thank you so much for giving me a place to land
for opening channels of prana each morning to flow through the day
much gratitude yoga as we fold and bow and step down
chakral realignment
cultivating the glow
a service to keep my life straight
an offering to spiral with change
a power rising to the top
rooting in four directions
prayer pose with gratitude
yoga thank you for shaping my life
for ringing me out and inviting me in
this gift is for everyone
thankyou with the essence of a million universes
light and dark interwoven
to balance and grace our gaze

Recently returned from a fortnight B.C. visit to some friends, I have some yoga travel photos to share! More to come as I am doing a yoga photo shoot with my photographer friend soon! Yoga photos can be important to spread the visual inspiration to practice as well as giving others an idea of your presence as an instructor. Often then can be quite instructional in terms of posture and form. Also i think its just awesome to do yoga poses in interesting places and document the process as an artistic photo journal of one's yogic journeys. Thanks for visiting the Happy Prana blog!