Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ayurvedic Oil Pulling Cleansing Technique



OK so as I type this, I am currently finishing up my first experience with.......
The sensation felt a bit overwhelming at the beginning and at the very end of the experience. I was able to hold the oil in my mouth for 20 minutes relatively comfortably. You will notice that later when you spit it back out, the oil has turned into a milky white substance! Its best to perform this detox method in the morning. You will appreciate setting aside at least a full 1/2 hour to relax and experience this ancient behaviour. This can be a very detoxifying process, so nurture your body afterwards! I found it best to drink lots of water and eat fresh foods that day. Sometimes detox therapies can be intense and bring up toxins of various kinds in order to be eliminated. The practice of oil pulling is complimentary to other Ayurvedic observances. Treat yourself to a long yoga practice afterwards!


1 tbsp. unrefined sesame oil (do not injest!)

Rinse after with warm salt water

Gently swish the sesame oil around in your mouth for approx. 15 - 20 minutes. This is so the oil has enough time to pull out significant amounts of bacteria. It has to be give time to transform into a milky consistency. Do not swallow anything in this process! Breathe through the nose, keep the body calm. If you have to swallow, push the oil to the front of your mouth and swallow a small amount of saliva from the back of your mouth. Recommended to dispose of it in the toilet after, as the oil will probably contribute to clogging sink pipes. I found it nice to drink a mild concoction of hot water, pure honey and lemon, avoiding food or strong drinks for at least 1/2 hour  after the experience.

The idea is, that the oil draws out toxins in the body, especially the mouth. This technique has affected many aspects of health and is said to be curing for a large variety of ailments.
"The act of swishing oil in the mouth acts as a powerful cleanser, pulling out these potentially harmful substances and thus producing a serious detoxifying effect."

This Oil Pulling Website, along with other resources such as the Wandering Bodhi (referenced above) will provide a lot more information. There are other sources that will recommend sunflower seed oil or coconut oil. I would say its important to acquire exactly the right product for this exercise.

Oil Pulling is one of many Ayurvedic cleansing techniques that clean the body. More about these topics to come in the form of future experiential blog posts : )

Happy Prana Inspirational Intention of Today:

Willingness to Experiment: the Peace of having Patience with Yourself to Do something New!

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