Tuesday, October 8, 2013

DIY Yoga Mat Cleanser

Simple process to make this DIY recipe for a yoga mat cleansing solution! "Kriyas" are actions, processes, deeds, or efforts. They are a variety of Kriyas - cleansing/purifying techniques that we use in yoga. It may be best to extend the practice of cleansing and care towards the materials that allow for our comfort in practice. Happy Prana for our home on the mat!


spray bottle (glass, plastic, etc)

essential oils



5 drops lavender oil
5 drops tea tree oil
1 tsp witchhazel extract (optional)
1/2 tsp alcohol (optional)
1/8 tsp white vinegar (optional)
water (enough to fill the remainder of the spray bottle)

Some essential oils are best for cleaning, freshening and disinfecting. Use oils with natural antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Ideal options for this are using tea tree oil and lavender oil together or separately. The scent will probably stay with the mat for a little while. However the solution shouldn't be strong enough to create a perfumed yoga mat!


Spray liberally onto a clean cloth and wipe down both sides of the mat.

For a deeper cleanse, put the spray directly on the yoga mat and scrub, scrub, scrub! Leave your yoga mat out to dry in an outdoor environment. This allows the prana (fresh life force energy) of the wind to purify and dry your yoga mat at the same time.

Did you know that you can throw your yoga mat in the washing machine with a little bit of eco friendly detergent? Do not put it in the dryer though! At first when its wet out of the machine, it will be very wrinkly...but no worries! It will straighten out and smooth nicely when hung to dry.

Of course, you can always use soap and water, or even just water to clean your mat!

DIY - DO IT YOURSELF                                                                          

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